Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Don't Forget Your Coat

Okay so...I'm on my way to work yesterday morning, leaving on time for once. It's a little cold and windy in the AM, but the day promises to warm up a little later on. The kids are wrapped up and walking to least most of them. There are little ones in coats, a few with hats and gloves. Some are visibly a little chilly and I wonder who sent them out without a warmer coat this morning. But, the warmer coat quickly became a passing thought as a passed one little miss who was clad in a jean mini, fitted sweater and short boots. Not only did my internal question become, where's your coat, but...where are the rest of your clothes?? Followed by the question of who let her out the house in that? I mean, I'm all for letting your kids express themselves and choose their style and all that, but this was just too much. I'm guessing, at most, she had to be maybe 11 or 12. And I'm envisioning the mama, okay maybe MY mama, at the door as she walks out saying, ummm...where do you think you're going in THAT? I understand that all parents aren't home when their kids leave for school to double check the outfits. But even still, why would those pieces of clothing even exist in a 12 year old's closet??? The kids are wearing too tight clothes, scandalous t-shirts, and many other things that likely have passed right under the nose of a parent or guardian. I don't have kids, so maybe I'm not allowed to speak on it. But, I'm saying...if they're dressing like this at this age...should we expect thongs and stillettos to be the accepted attire in a few years?

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